Sunday, July 20, 2008


So, tomorrow is the day.  I didn't blog yesterday because I was contemplating the foolishness of my decision to complete this detox.  It really is a silly thing for me to do.  Everyone knows how much I love sugar.  I mean, I don't even really drink coffee...I have a lil coffee with my milk and sugar.  But, what I do know is that it's out of control, this sugar thing.  If it were crack, I'm sure I would be part of an intervention by now.  Sugar isn't much different.   I mean, I'm not robbing my parents or selling my baby's diapers to get a fix but I will find/borrow money to get that cupcake or those cookies.  I will get up at night to raid the fridge for leftover ice cream.  I will skip dinner to have dessert.  I will sprinkle sugar in my pre-sweetened cereal!  Need I say more?  Just pray for me...tomorrow it begins!

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