Friday, July 18, 2008

And So It Goes...

Well, it's official.  I will begin my sugar detox on Monday July 21, 2008.  What?!  You thought I already started?  Surely you didn't think me silly enough to quit sugar cold turkey!  I need to ease into it.  Okay, honestly, I need to consume an insane amount of sugar in the next three days to tide me over...LOL!  I'm already nervous, but I am doing some research with my friend Angela (check her blog: and we are going grocery shopping on Saturday.  Goodbye cinnamon sugar pita chips.  Goodbye caramel-swirl fudge brownies.  Goodbye Mocha Joe.  You will be missed...


Jennifer said...

So does that mean you get cake on Saturday?????

Anonymous said...

Hey sis!! I just got your email today. What!!! your going on a sugar detox? Are you crazy?!! LOL! just kidding that is great! I know you can do it, I have faith in you. Well, Good Luck and I love you. Talk to you later.