Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Skinny...

So, While I was on the sugar detox, I lost a grand total of 9lbs and 12inches.  Yayyyy me!  That's awesome because I wasn't even doing it to lose weight.  I feel empowered.  Yesterday was my first official day back on my regular diet.  I had a can of iced tea, about a cup of potato salad and half of a roll.  (That's not all I had to eat! LOL  That's all I had that contained sugar.)  And let us not forget about the 6 mini vanilla creme puffs I ate at the BBQ last night!
That's lightweight compared to the amount of sugar I used to consume daily.  I was thinking last night and I decided that I am going to give up white bread, pasta and potatoes indefinitely.  When I was eating the potato salad last night, I felt weird, like I shouldn't be eating it.  It will be tough because I am definitely a bread girl.
I also decided that I am giving up soda.  I really crave the carbonation at times but I found a great recipe for sparkling lemonade which uses sparkling water.  It has enough of a fizz for me...I hope!  LOL  I will keep you updated.
I promise to keep blogging throughout the summer while I am off.  Once I begin teaching and go back to finish grad school in September, I can make no promises.

Monday, July 28, 2008

And So it Went...

So listen!  I officially ended my sugar detox last night.  I lasted a week!  I'm extremely proud of myself.  I know that I said it would be three weeks but it was just beginning to get ridiculous!  I miss food that is good for me, like Raisin Bran and Cupcakes!  LOL  Just kidding, but I have stopped craving the sweets!  I found myself still eating the same sugar free diet this morning even though I can have sugar again.
I tried to have a Coffee Coolatta from Dunkin Donuts and almost gagged.  I took three sips and had to give it away because it was too sweet!  Go figure.  I am determined to keep a hold on this thing here!  I'm going to keep bloggin cause I'm working out and trying to make some body changes as well!  Stay tuned!

Friday, July 25, 2008

I Am Not A Quitter!

Not yet anyway!  I was in a place of despair yesterday.  I was so bad off!  I think my sugar level was extremely low.  If I had not been with my friend Taryn, I would be writing a very different post today, something like...."I'm a loser, I gave up." LOL
However, she was on me like white on rice.  (I don't really know what that phrase means but it's understanding is pretty universal).  But, by 6pm I was done.  Cooked.  I had absolutely no energy.  I need more protein but my body has been rejecting meat.  It's not breaking down correctly so I've been avoiding it.  Someone suggested a protein shake so I think I will try that.  I also have to make sure and take my multi-vitamin everyday.
Today I am beat.  I slept for 8 hours and I really feel beat up.  I didn't go to the gym today and I feel bad but maybe I'll make it up tomorrow.  
I have committed to at least completing one week of this detox.  We'll see...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Three Weeks is a Looooooong Time!

I'm a little late posting today because I had a ton of stuff to do today.  I've been really busy and that actually helps me forget that I can't have sugar.  I'm doing MUCH better today.  I think the worst is over!  Hallelujah!  (Even though I have yet to attend the 2 BBQ's and party and picnic that are coming up in the next two weeks).
I spent about 30mins last night talking about dessert.  Oreos and milk, Chocolate Molten from Chili's, Blondie Brownie from Applebee's, even chocolate covered strawberries.  Mmmmmm, I miss them all.  I was so desperate that I created a concoction of my own: milk, vanilla, cinnamon and blueberries.  I boiled it down and it actually tastes good.  I think it would be awesome with some natural peanut butter and saltine crackers.  How's that for satisfying a sweet tooth?  Now I understand how crack heads will sell anything to get that next hit.
Someone remind me again why this has to last for three weeks?  I mean, one week might not really do the job but two weeks seems like a perfectly good number to me.  Plus, shopping for healthy food is expensive.  I'm a teacher; my funds are severely limited.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes...

Yesterday was a nightmare!  I started the day feeling really well and excited that I'd survived 24 hours of this crazy feat.  As lunchtime approached, I began to get a headache and en I got really sick to my stomach.  My body is rebelling!  It needs sugar.  By dinner (which I was too sick to eat) I was ready to head on over to Dunkin Donuts for a Coffee Coolatta.  I began to hallucinate about coffee and sugar...I kid you not.  I decided to eat a few cherries and I actually felt good for an hour, but the natural fruit sugar was not enough and I was soon sick again.
I woke up this morning feeling much better and really good after my workout.  I had cereal for breakfast and made a whole wheat pasta salad for lunch.  I'm having tacos for dinner so hopefully I'll be okay.  I really need some kind of treat for moments when my body spazzes out.  I don't think I can deal with that for the next 18 days...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

19 Days to Go!

Okay, so I rescind my statement about Wheatfuls.  I had a bowl this morning with milk, blueberries and bananas and they were good.  I think that I'll just stay away from eating them plain.
Today is Day 2 and I feel good.  I cooked this morning so that I could have a hot lunch.  I think that I might be okay.  Even though, I probably couldn't have done this at a worse time.  In the next three weeks I will be attending a Bar-B-Que, 2 picnics and a birthday party!  Guess I'll be bringing the Veggies!  LOL

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hey! I'm Alive!

Wheatfuls are nasty!  I'm sorry to say it and they may try to sue me for this public disclaimer but...hey.  Wheatfuls are a shredded wheat-type cereal made by a brand called Naturals.  It is the only, I repeat only, cereal we could find that had no sugar.  Even original Cheerios and Kix have 1g of sugar.  So sad.  So, because I am a cereal lover, I bought a box with intentions of jazzing it up with blueberries and bananas.  This morning I grabbed a handful before my am workout and almost gagged.  I ate one Wheatful and had to drink almost an entire bottle of water to wash it down.  But....I needed the energy so I forced myself to eat the rest and surprisingly I got used to the taste.  Don't get me wrong, I still think they're nasty but maybe, just maybe, I will develop a taste for them.  Plus Angela  said they have lots of fiber or something that I need.
So, I said all that to say that I'm alive and well and not suffering any withdrawl symptons....though that might be because I had a large Iced Coffee about 12hrs ago!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


So, tomorrow is the day.  I didn't blog yesterday because I was contemplating the foolishness of my decision to complete this detox.  It really is a silly thing for me to do.  Everyone knows how much I love sugar.  I mean, I don't even really drink coffee...I have a lil coffee with my milk and sugar.  But, what I do know is that it's out of control, this sugar thing.  If it were crack, I'm sure I would be part of an intervention by now.  Sugar isn't much different.   I mean, I'm not robbing my parents or selling my baby's diapers to get a fix but I will find/borrow money to get that cupcake or those cookies.  I will get up at night to raid the fridge for leftover ice cream.  I will skip dinner to have dessert.  I will sprinkle sugar in my pre-sweetened cereal!  Need I say more?  Just pray for me...tomorrow it begins!

Friday, July 18, 2008

And So It Goes...

Well, it's official.  I will begin my sugar detox on Monday July 21, 2008.  What?!  You thought I already started?  Surely you didn't think me silly enough to quit sugar cold turkey!  I need to ease into it.  Okay, honestly, I need to consume an insane amount of sugar in the next three days to tide me over...LOL!  I'm already nervous, but I am doing some research with my friend Angela (check her blog: sugardetoxexperiment.blogspot.com) and we are going grocery shopping on Saturday.  Goodbye cinnamon sugar pita chips.  Goodbye caramel-swirl fudge brownies.  Goodbye Mocha Joe.  You will be missed...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Beginning of the Madness...

This is a dark, dark, day in the life of a sugar lover.  Some extraterrestrial being has taken over my body and convinced me to complete a sugar detox with my friend, Angela.  Three weeks without any added or refined sugar.  Three weeks of torture is more like it!  A sugar detox?!!!!  What type of deranged individual came up with this idea?  Sugar is my friend.  I don't know what kind of person I will be without it.  Maybe I need to rethink this decision...